Monday, November 16, 2020

New Lego GBC Module - S13

A few weeks ago I finished my entry to the 2020 Great Ball Pit Challenge, but did not have time to make a video for it.  The video has now been released and you can watch it below.

The module uses a serpentine lift which was originally built by Brian Alano.  I used Lawrie's revised instructions, and then made further changes. I increased the height, and used several 36T bevel gears to chain all the lifters together.

This was my first time building a serpentine mechanism, and my first time building a weighted tipper.  My original idea for a "13 batch" module was to use a PUP HUB and sensor to determine when to unload balls, but I wanted something even simpler.  By reusing my trapdoor switch (tutorial available), it allowed me to use the simplest way to batch balls, a weighted tipper.  Getting the balance right was fairly simple, but the mechanism is a bit harsh at times, and a ball or two may escape while a tipper is being reset.

We had 18 people build modules for this years challenge, and I'm expecting even more next year!  Join the GBC Community chat here!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Challenge 2020 - Winners

Each year the Great Ball Pit challenges Lego GBC builders to build something different.  This year 18 builders were challenged to build a Batch module, and after voting here are the top 3 results!

Sam Friesen from Canada secured top spot by producing a *NEW* mechanism to batch balls.  It's a fresh take on a stuck ball mechanism and is quite novel as it waits to pinch the "14th" ball before releasing the 13 in front of it.  You can view Sam's winning entry below.

Sawyer out of New Zealand places top 3 for the second year in a row!  His Banana gear based lift only lifts when there is enough weight in the basket.  Where does he come up with these ideas?

And placing 3rd, Pinwheel from the USA created an awesome "Marble Race" module that was triggered by his own take on a stuck ball mechanism.  I love marble races so this one was one of my favourites!

Thanks to the other 15 builders who also participated, a lot of cool mechanisms were developed that are sure to be "borrowed" for peoples future creations!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Challenge 2020 - Entries

Welcome back to the Great Ball Pit.  5 weeks after it was announced, the 2020 challenge has produced 18 GBC modules with builders participating from all around the world.

This years challenge was to build a module that would output batches of 13 balls.  This could be achieved using either mechanical or programmable Lego hardware.  The original post with all the details can be found here: 

Here is a list of the 2020 builders and their modules (in no particular order):

Louis Friesen -
Jason J - Submitted via GDrive on Discord
SnowyTheLeopard - Submitted via GDrive on Discord
Matt (Great Ball Pit) - Module video coming soon (not eligible to be voted on)

Each builder will now be allowed to cast a vote for their two favourite modules, with results being posted shortly thereafter.  Thank you to everyone who participated!

If you would like to speak with any of these talented builders, or discuss anything else related to Lego GBC you can join the Discord server here: